Ladies, lost your libido and not sure where it went or how to get it back?
Download  My E-Book Giving You
Three Steps You Can Take TODAY 
to Jumpstart Your Libido & 
Have the Sex Life Your Deserve
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Hi, I'm Dr Catalina

As a Clinical Psychologist, Professor and Researcher for over 20 years, I've learned that true, authentic, pure intimacy and connection is not only what we long for, it's essential to our overall health.   

I'm going to give you concrete, evidence-based strategies you can use TODAY to Rediscover Your Sexual Desires and have the sex life you deserve!
in Your free e-book, i'll give you
3 Evidence-Based Strategies You Can use NOW To Increase Your Libido
I'll teach you 3 Strategies I teach all my clients and physicians to increase libido NOW all on your own
A Break Down of Each Strategy and How to Implement These in Your Day To Day Life
I'll teach you step-by-step how to do each strategy and make it your own, to take your libido back!
The Science Behind Low Libido
Informed by Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory, Trauma Research, as well as my own research and clinical experience, I'll explain the factors that likely impacted your libido and how to Take Your Libido Back!
Common Barriers to Taking Charge of Your Libido, to get you UNSTUCK
It's not easy to get your libido back, if it was you wouldn't be here. I'll explain common barriers to change, to help you get Unstuck!
and more...
I've helped thousands of couples and individuals all over the world reclaim their sexuality to rekindle their relationship.

Exponential bliss is your absolute birthright.


Jane, 47
As I went through the program… 
I was mildly surprised at the depth it went into

Priya, 39
Dr Catalina read me like a book. 
 I appreciate her approach and honesty!

Rosa, 37
You gave great insight and facts into the cultural history of my experience. 
Thank you for not judging me! 
Reclaim Your Sexual Desire
Enough is Enough. 

You are used to getting everything you want in life, 
except when it comes to sex.  
YOU are in control of your sexuality.  

Take Your Libido Back Today!
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